Propositional Logic
1 Mar 2022
§ Motivation
The driver of the power of intelligent systems is the knowledge the systems have about their universe of discourse... --- Feigenbaum
In order to give intelligent systems the expertise to solve problems, we need to give it a general language for encoding knowledge.
The natural langauges are too ambiguous, so we must find ways to be more expressive with higher-level languages.
§ Logic
The standard way of expressing knowledge in knowledge bases is with logic.
Logic has a few advantages over procedural languages:
- Context-independence
- Easier to determine correctness of a single line; easier to debug and maintain
- Well-defined semantics
- Not subject to order, global variables, side-effects
- Rules can be applied in various ways
- This leads to inferences
In procedural languages, we must say how something is done; declarative languages lets us describe the world, and the system can determine the course of action given a model of the world.
When driving, we must know or infer:
- Laws
- How to operate a vehicle
- Right of way
- Turn signal
- Safety
- Speed
- Pedestrians
- Changing lanes
- Road conditions
- Obstacles
- Other vehicles and drivers
- etc...
It is better to encode all of these in a knowledge base then have a system deduce the course of action, rather than enumerating each possible case in a massive if-else block.
§ Inference Algorithms
Inference Algorithms
Inference Algorithms give us a way to extract conclusions and make decisions given a rule base.
aka: inference, automated deduction, theorem-proving
Inference algorithms are the foundation for expert systems; essentially, load a rule base and describe the current situation, and the expert system allows us to ask it what conclusions it came up with. This is a powerful tool, as we are also able to ask how the system yielded an aswer, i.e. "proof".
§ Types of Logic
There are many forms of logic,
- propositional/Boolean logic,
- First-order logic (FOL) and other higher-order logics,
- modal logics, epistemic, temporal, fuzzy, probablistic, non-sentential
They differ in expressiveness and computational complexity, but FOL has become the lingua franca for most knowledge systems in AI.
Each logic has its own:
- syntax -- the rules defining what sentences are accepted,
- semantics -- which defines the "truth" of a sentence, and the relationship between sentences,
- proof theory -- a way to derive an answer from a question
§ Propositional Logic
Propositional logic has
- well-defined sentences
- atomic sentences are given by propositional symbols
- i.e.
- i.e.
- complex sentes are generated via operators
- binary ops:
(), implication (), biconditional () - unary op:
() - parentheses
- binary ops:
Propositional Logic
Below, the grammar for propositional logic is given in Backus-Naur Form (BNF):
Propositional Logic
Legal expressions:
Due to ambiguity of the grammar, there are multiple possible parse trees given an expression; for example can be interpreted as , or .
An order of precedence between operators can also be used to help disambiguate a logical expression, in order of highest to lowest
However, there still exists ambiguity, e.g. can be either or .
We can say that each operator is left-associative to favor .