Number Theory: Discrete Log Problem and Primitive Roots

17 Dec 2021

§ Motivation

We introduce the discrete log problem (DLP), the basis of many cryptosystems is founded upon the fact that it is very difficult to solve.

§ The Discrete Log Problem

Discrete Log Problem

Given h,yh, y are non-zero elements belonging to Zp\mathbb{Z}_p, where pp prime, the discrete log problem is finding an exponent xx such that

gxpy.g^x \equiv_p y.

There may not exist an exponent xx for all gg and yy, the simplest counterexample would be g=1g = 1, then the discrete log problem only has a solution if y=1y = 1 as well.

The discrete log problem is in NPcoNP\textbf{NP}\cap\textbf{coNP}. We do not know of an efficient method to solve the discrete log problem, and we will investigate some methods that work in specific instances of the discrete log.

§ Primitive Roots

Let pp be prime, then there exists an element gZpg \in \mathbb{Z}_p with powers giving every element {1,,p1}{1,g,g2,,gp2}\{1, \dots, p-1\} \leftrightarrow \{1,g,g^2,\dots,g^{p-2}\}.

Primitive Roots

From Theorem 1, the values of gg are called "primitive roots".

Primitive roots exist in Zn\mathbb{Z}_n for n=1,2,4,pk,2pkn = 1,2,4, p^k, 2p^k where pp is an odd prime.