Discrete Logarithm in : Index Calculus Method
17 Dec 2021
§ Motivation
Under special cases, the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) becomes easier to solve, i.e. is the product of small primes, is a prime power, or is prime.
§ The Index Calculus Method
The index calculus method depends on our ability to solve discrete log problems (DLP) that satisfies the statement:
Index Calculus
First, we compute the values
and stopping when we find a such that is -smooth, then for some
Finally, we get that
Where algorithm () is used to solve for all the terms.[^1]
Algorithm ()
Again, we want to solve DLPs of the form
One method is to compute for many random selections of exponents the values
Keeping only the values of that are -smooth. Then, we get a get a number of linear equations in the unknown variables from taking the logarithm of the equation
which take the form
To find the values of we must solve the linear system; we may choose a sufficiently large number of exponents to ensure we have enough linear equations to determine the logarithm values.