Discrete Logarithm in : is a Prime Power
17 Dec 2021
§ Motivation
The discrete logarithm problem (DLP), given by , can become easy to solve when for some .
§ The () Algorithm
I don't know if this specific algorithm has a name, but I referred to it as algorithm () in Discrete Logarithm in : Pohlig-Hellman. On Wikipedia it appears to just be referred to as a specific subroutine for Pohlig-Hellman when a group has prime power order[1].
Sps. , and there exists an algorithm () that can solve the DLP over when . Again, we depend on algorithm () for algorithm ().
About algorithm ():
- We assume its time complexity is given by .
- The algorithm exists, and it is Shank's Baby-Step Giant-Step algorithm.
() Algorithm
Sps. we have a DLP such that .
- First we solve for in
- Then, for all and we solve:
These congruences can be solved using algorithm ().
Finally, the sol'n is given by
The sol'n of the DLP can be found using () in time, provided our assumption of the time complexity for algorithm () holds.
Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm on Wikipedia. ↩︎