Lecture 2: Collision Detection

26 Aug 2024

§ Collisions

Collisions do not usually occur at time step boundaries, so we must detect whether a collision has occurred, determine the exact time that it happened, and compute its response.

Specifically, this lecture goes over continuous collision detection (CCD) for the basic case of a ball and a plane.

While planes are used as an intuitive example in this discussion, it is actually a specific case of using a surface described by a signed-distance function (SDF).

§ Detection


Suppose we are given positions x(n)\mathbf{x}^{(n)} and x(n+1)\mathbf{x}^{(n + 1)} with distances znz_n and znz_{n}, respectively, and let the surface be defined as a level-set zcz_c.

If sgn(znzc)?sgn(zn+1zc)\mathrm{sgn}(z_n - z_c) \stackrel{?}{\neq} \mathrm{sgn}(z_{n + 1} - z_c), then an object travelling from x(n)\mathbf{x}^{(n)} to x(n+1)\mathbf{x}^{(n + 1)} will collide with the level-set surface.

Detection doesn't tell us when or where a collision happened, just that it did happen.

Typically we use a zero level-set surface (i.e. let zc=0z_c = 0).

§ Determination


In determining a collision, we want to determine the time and point of contact.

Again, suppose we are given positions x(n)\mathbf{x}^{(n)} and x(n+1)\mathbf{x}^{(n + 1)} with distances znz_n and znz_{n}, respectively, and let the surface be defined as a level-set zcz_c.

Let ff denote the fraction of a time step hh at which the collision occurred,

f=zcznzn+1zn.f = \frac{z_c - z_n}{z_{n + 1} - z_n}.

We can find the velocity and position at the time of contact by integrating with the fractional time step fhfh instead of hh,

vc=v(n)+fhaxc=x(n)+fhv(n).\begin{align*} \vec{v}_c &= \vec{v}^{(n)} + fh\vec{a}\\ \vec{x}_c &= \vec{x}^{(n)} + fh\vec{v}^{(n)}. \end{align*}

In our case, we've only talked about explicit Euler integration; for other integration techniques we also find vc\vec{v}_c and xc\vec{x}_c by integrating v\vec{v} and x\vec{x} over fhfh instead of hh.

Note that it is difficult to compute the exact time and point of contact.

Here, we used a linear interpolation to compute the fractional time step; for small enough time steps, this is a good enough approximation.

§ Response


Given vc\mathbf{v}_c and xc\mathbf{x}_c, we want to find the collision response vc\mathbf{v}_c' and xc\mathbf{x}_c' based on the material properties of the colliding objects.

Typically collisions are not perfectly elastic, meaning that they lose some energy -- this could be from a myriad of forms, such as the sound of the impact, friction, object deformation, etc.

The most common responses: restitution and friction, have physical models based solely on the tangential and normal components of the velocity, respectively.

Suppose we have determined a collision with velocity vc\mathbf{v}_c and position xc\mathbf{x}_c.

Next, we can get the collision normal by computing the surface normal of the object we are colliding with at the point of collision.

We can imagine a separating plane between the two colliding objects defined by the point of contact and the surface normal.

Normal velocity v\mathbf{v}_\perp by doing a vector projection of v\mathbf{v} onto the collision normal n^,\hat{\mathbf{n}},

v=vn^.\mathbf{v}_\perp = \|\mathbf{v}\|\hat{\mathbf{n}}.

And the tangent velocity v\mathbf{v}_\parallel by taking the difference between the velocity and its projection onto n^,\hat{\mathbf{n}},

v=vvn^=vv.\mathbf{v}_\parallel = \mathbf{v} - \|\mathbf{v}\|\hat{\mathbf{n}} = \mathbf{v} - \mathbf{v}_\perp.

§ Resitution

An example of a normal response is restitution; i.e. how bouncy something is.


Restitution is a measure of the elasticity of a collision, and its response is computed as

v=εv,0ε1\|\mathbf{v}_\perp'\| = -\varepsilon \|\mathbf{v}_\perp\|,\quad 0 \leq \varepsilon \leq 1

where ε\varepsilon is the coefficient of restitution.

In this case ε=0\varepsilon = 0 is a perfectly inelastic collision, and ε=1\varepsilon = 1 is perfectly elastic.

§ Friction

A common tangential response is friction.

A very simple, and very wrong, model of friction that some people might've learned in high-school is

v=(1cf)v,\|\mathbf{v}_\parallel'\| = (1 - c_f) \|\mathbf{v}_\parallel\|,

where cfc_f is the coefficient of friction.

A not much more complicated model, and the one that I was taught by the best high-school physics teachers, is the Coulomb model.

Coulomb Friction

In the Coulomb model, the force of friction is proportional to the normal force.

v=vmin(μv,v)v^\mathbf{v}_\parallel' = \mathbf{v}_\parallel - \min(\mu \|\mathbf{v}_\parallel\|, \|\mathbf{v}_\parallel\|) \hat{\mathbf{v}_\parallel}

Friction can completely stop, but not reverse, motion; hence the min\min.